Before and after pictures of my acne journey
Skin care

How I cleared my stubborn pimples and black spots, with zero side effect!

Amarachukwu! no! this is not your face, what happened? you have to do something about this. There’s virtually no free space on your face anymore! These spots are numerous…”


Hi guys! you’re welcome to my space! this is my first time posting here and I am super duper excited! I planned to start my blog posts with exclusive fashion tips but then, this is also a part of what I write about and it is a major skin problem for most people, except the lucky ones with flawless skins. Even so, One could never tell what piece of information can come handy.

In this post, I’ll be sharing tips on how I cleared my stubborn pimples and black spots that lasted for some eight months, and the skincare products that I used to get rid of them.

During my acne journey, I made use of some products that worked for me and friends who saw my face then have been asking about my secret, and because I love you guys so much, “what will it profit me to keep a piece of information so useful and not want to share?” So, read, be informed and don’t forget to share with friends just like I’ve done for you.

My acne journey

P.S. This is not a sponsored post or any of its sort. The products listed below were tested and trusted by me because they worked for me. You can choose to give it a try or not.

Sometime last year, I battled with severe acne and black spots. It was so annoying that not a day went by without me spending more than half of my day before a mirror. You all know how these things work now? Like, I can’t feel alright if I don’t check my mirror to see how ugly those tiny monsters made me look.

I wondered how they even form, where they were coming from, what causes them and perhaps, who was sending them? I was really worried. These things were all over my face! Sometimes, I had to cancel events because I didn’t want to take my leopard spots to those places and scare other innocent humans. I didn’t want people staring so hard at my face. It was that bad!

Out of impatience and desperation, I patronized every cosmetic shop around me, placed orders online, even borrowed from friends and family, My mum was always ready to recommend a new one, every week! I bought everything that had “spots remover” on its label.

I can recall spending over NGN10,000  on skincare products in the space of 5 days. I was that desperate. I had a whole drawer dedicated to various skincare products, I had them in different sizes and shapes, Some are even still sealed till now, I had to dispose of them.

Because of the many products I tried, sunburn, dark eye circles, and very thick dark knuckles joined the Whatsapp group. Imagine having to hide your hands with hanky every time you stepped out. Taking pictures made me overly conscious because they looked more like roasted plantain when I viewed the picture later. “Please don’t laugh at me😒”

Hey! don’t go checking my pictures from last year. I only posted the ones I wanted you to see… LOL.

Finally, after eight long months, I got back my face. This time, even better than it was before the breakout. Out of the array of skincare products I used in fighting those tiny creepy monsters, I singled out these four (4) products, as they turned out to be effective although I was too impatient to keep up with the routine. Except for the last one.

4 Skincare products that I used to clear my acne and black spots

  • Vista plus
  • Veet gold facial cream
  • Aloe Vera and honey face mask
  • Debbitone Radiant Black Soap

Vista Plus

Visita Plus

If you patronize cosmetic shop owners regularly, you would have had a recommendation for Vista Plus, once or twice, or even more. I used Vista plus for over a month or so. You could get one at the rates of #300-600 or more, depending on the shop. It could also be over a thousand naira when you order online.

It helped keep my pimples in check and smoothened out my face, as long as I used it. It also lightened my face a little bit… normally, my face tends to get darker at any slightest provocation. I toned it down a bit with natural honey to avoid any side effects.

Make sure you apply only at night, you wouldn’t want to leave your house with a gummy face dripping with honey. The only problem I had was having to give it extra time to dry before I slept and also making it a daily routine. the pimples came in troops when I stopped… My face darkened in the space of a week! Urgh!

Veet gold facial cream

veet gold facial cream

A friend told me about the Veet gold facial cream when my face became so dark and I seemed not to care anymore. I was skeptical at first because I did not want something that would make my face lighter than my body. Well, she insisted I give it a try.

The Veet gold company has a variety of facial products but I went for the purple because it contains ingredients that are specially formulated to concentrate on dark spots. Unlike some products which lighten the face and make the spots more obvious, this particular one did not lighten my face as I feared.

Maybe a shade lighter but not so obvious, at least my face wasn’t brighter than the future of other parts of my body. Which I think, was the ultimate goal.

In a week, I was grateful for using Veet gold, black spots faded and became almost invisible. No sunburns, no black patches, no black knuckles!

I recorded zero side effects. Well, making it a routine was one of my biggest problems. I always forget about these things. Especially because I have to use it only at night.


Aloe Vera and Honey face mask

I got tired of buying products and wanted to try something more natural and homemade kinda. I had read a lot of skincare articles online. I stumbled on the likes of turmeric, honey, yogurt, oatmeal, egg white, jojoba, avocado, lemon, lime, aloe vera, sea mud and a host of other natural and homemade skincare routines. Click here to learn more about natural skincare rituals and how to prepare them.

There was a pot of fresh Aloe Vera in my compound and honey was readily available in shops and markets around me, so I opted for an aloe vera and honey face mask because it is a good remedy for acne and it doesn’t lighten the skin. The honey adds that glowy look that will leave your skin popping from a thousand miles.

The aloe vera is widely known for its health benefits and not only does it work wonders in the body, but It’s also magical when used on the skin. Honey, on the other hand, is one of the best natural skincare recipes of all time.

Below are the procedures I used in preparing my aloe vera and honey face mask.

How to prepare an aloe vera and honey face mask

  • Get a leaf of fresh aloe vera and 2 teaspoons of honey.
  • Wash the aloe leaf thoroughly to get rid of dust and specks of dirt.
  • Slice the aloe open to extract the gel
  • Mix the gel and the honey together in a small bowl
  • Apply on face and leave for 10 -15 minutes.
  • Then wash off with lukewarm water

You might want to ask why I did not go through the stress once and for all by mixing a large quantity? Trust me, I tried. I mean, who doesn’t love it the easy way?

I mixed a large quantity the first time and the next morning, it smelled like alcohol. The container was bloated and looked like it would burst. I guess it fermented or something. I wouldn’t know. Maybe, I should have taken it to a science lab to find out. But I can ask my friends in Sciences and come tell ya. LOL

This face mask did work wonders for me. I saw visible results in one week and I was so grateful I tried.

However, I always had an excuse not to continue. I really suck at routines like this.


Debbitone radiant skin black soap

Debbitone radiant black soap

I got tired of special routine treatments because I always stopped halfway. I wanted something I must have to use anytime I wanted to bath. My last option was a soap, which must be a black soap. After having those breakouts and skin reactions from chemical-based products. I turned into a science student. I read and browse the ingredients of any product I want to buy before buying or using.

In fact, if it’s not organic and mild, count me out. I departed from the realms of lightening, brightening, toning and whatever -ening creams or soaps.

My scout for a good black soap that will do all the glowing magic without making me brighter than my future, led me to Debbitone radiant black soap. I’ve been using this soap from December 2019 and I can attest to its effectiveness. It is made from natural ingredients, carefully formulated to give your skin that radiant look. I  don’t have to worry about extra facial treatments. I  found a final Busstop (for now). LOL. Hopefully, I don’t change my mind soon.

I have suggested my newfound love for friends and family and testimonies are already coming in. LOL. In case you want to join the queue of testifiers after reading this, Debbitone soap goes for #650-#2000 depending on your location and the shop you’re buying from.

You can as well mix yours with raw honey like I do mine. ” You’re welcome”. Click here to see more tips on  how I maintain a glowing skin, and a face void of acne.

Kindly note that there’s no one-size-fits-all skincare products. Please research to know what suits your skin and what doesn’t, before you use any new product.



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  1. Ozy pat says:

    Nice write up Miss NALLS. I will adopt them

  2. Ozy pat says:

    Nice write Miss NALLS. I will adopt them

  3. Busola says:

    I’m giving this a try. Thanks for sharing

    1. Amaka says:

      This Debbitone is magical. I so love it

      1. FINE ARK says:

        I will try visita plus Hoping to testify

  4. Sofire says:

    We met in March and the first question I asked her was ‘Amy, which soap are using’? She told me and since then my skin hasn’t stopped glowing. Thanks baby girl for sharing

  5. Ini says:

    Awesome post.

  6. Derah says:

    Thanks for sharing Amy…I hope to try the black soap and return with a testimony

  7. Ujunwa says:

    Nice write up dear…keep up…..this knowledge here won’t be a waste to me.
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. Cherechukwu Okoye says:

    Wow.. good one.. I’m so trying the aloe vera and honey mask.. nice one babe

  9. Nkem says:

    Go girl!!! I’m so gonna try out the soap and hopefully testify too.

    I am super proud of you

    1. Nahzah says:

      Thanks for this…. On my way to clear all the gallops on mah face

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